Burnout: preventing and treating it through professional coaching
Rémi Zunino
Rémi Zunino

Burnout: preventing and treating it through professional coaching

Around 30,000 people in France would be affected by burnout [1]. This “syndrome resulting from chronic stress at work” (WHO definition) spares no one. Managers, directors, employees, everyone can be concerned, whether strictly individually or in their surroundings.

At Talentis, as professional coaches, we regularly work with talents on their ability to manage their energy and emotions on a daily basis, in particular with the aim of preventing the onset of burnout. During the annual Talentis Coaching Campus on January 13, 2020, we had the chance to welcome Diane Daussy, a Psychiatrist and Professional Coach specializing in burnout.

An opportunity for the entire Talentis coaching community to learn more about the role of the coach in the prevention and treatment of this syndrome.

Source: Public Health France

Why is burnout a major issue for businesses?

Diane Daussy: According to the WHO, more than 50% of work stoppages are linked to stress.When we talk about “stress”, we are not talking exclusively about burnout but rather about all the factors present on a daily basis that can promote the onset of burnout.With, in the end, consequences such as:

  • One significant absenteeism rate.
  • One high error rate.
  • One rate of demotivation that is increasing.

These results cause costs for the company. Economic costs of course, not to mention The mess on the human level that such a situation can engender. For me, this question of burnout Touch our ecological question. In my opinion, we cannot separate our individual ecology from that of the environment. The first of the things that we can do, each and every one at our own level, It is to be interested in our personal ecology.

Burnout at home or in others: is there a duty to alert?

Diane Daussy: Regarding the manager potentially affected by this syndrome, his duty is to realize what he is suffering from. Otherwise, he risks stressing his team and reducing their performance.

To (re) see:

4 warning signs of burnout

As for the team leader manager, like a skipper, it is his duty not to let a teammate “fall by the wayside”. It's almost a moral duty in which will find the notions of “values” that can sometimes be a problem in burnout.

When should a professional coach pass the baton to a doctor?

Diane Daussy: It is a fundamental question. As a Psychiatrist and Professional Coach, I personally wear both hats. It is very important to clearly distinguish the border between these two activities.When you are a professional coach, you must be able to refuse to continue coaching when the symptoms become too severe. It's up to the coach of Say “stop” to the person being accompanied by making them aware of the fact that, continuing in this direction, it is Go straight into the wallAt that moment, the coach will make the person concerned aware of the need for them to contact their doctor.

How to support the return of the person to the company after a burnout?

Diane Daussy: Sometimes it takes six months or even a year of sick leave to recover from such an illness. Of course, there will have been a drug treatment prescribed by the doctor to cure this ailment. However, during the resumption, the coach will be able to work with the coachee again. The objective will be to do so rework on your professional identity so as to resume in the best conditions. This work with the coach can be complemented by programs such as relaxation, meditation, not to mention group work.

To (re) see:

4 concrete actions to put in place to prevent burnout.

What are your impressions of the Talentis Coaching Campus?

Diane Daussy: I like to connect with the community of professional coaches at Talentis because, first of all, I have long-standing relationships with this company. On the other hand, it allows me to to provide medical elements in response to various problems, by adapting them to the world of business.Today what was important for me was to raise awareness of what we can do at the level of Human Resources to prevent burnout.In my opinion, this is our role as professional coaches, to alert the company to the risks associated with this syndrome, to provide education

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