Team demotivation: 4 levers that must be deactivated absolutely!
Rémi Zunino
Rémi Zunino

Team demotivation: 4 levers that must be deactivated absolutely!

The Professional Coaching Minute is a series of videos in “practical advice” mode to enable all talents (leaders, managers, employees) to be more efficient on a daily basis in their work. The 7th episode of The Professional Coaching Minute is devoted to the levers of demotivation within teams. These are levers that, if they are absent on a daily basis, cause disengagement within teams. Here they are:

  • Money
  • The work environment
  • Micromanagement
  • The routine

Transcript of the video: Valérie Rocoplan, CEO of Talentis and professional coach : “Hello! The last time we saw the six levers of motivation at work. I quickly recall them: the feeling of learning, the feeling of being useful, the feeling of belonging to a team, the feeling of recognition and the sixth being the passion for what we do.

>> (Re) see La Minute Coaching Professional No. 5:

“What are the motivational levers? ”

Now it's time for 4 levers of demotivation! What does that mean? This means that if these levers exist in my job, they will not necessarily motivate me. On the other hand, if they are not there, it can demotivate me.

#1er tool for demotivating teams: money

The first motivator is money. This means that if you are significantly increased tomorrow, you will be very happy, you will feel recognized, you will be satisfied, but that is not, in the long run, what will motivate you.After two weeks, three weeks, you will say to yourself: I am worth it. It's not something that's going to motivate you. On the other hand, if you consider that you are being paid at a level that is significantly lower than your contribution, There you will feel demotivated.

#2ème a lever for demotivating teams: The work environment

The 2nd lever of demotivation is the quality of the offices in which I live.If I have beautiful offices, I will be happy, I will certainly like it, but I will quickly forget it.People think that by putting plants in an office, table football, colors, it will motivate people. No, people are going to be very happy working in this environment, but that's not going to increase their level of motivation in the long run. On the other hand, if you have dirty offices, windowless, unpleasant, noisy, this will be a real demotivating factor.

>> To (re) read:

“Changing your workspace does not happen by itself”

#3ème a lever for demotivation: micro management

The 3rd lever of demotivation is micro management.This corresponds to the feeling of having people on your back all the time. Certainly, it is important for many to be monitored, controlled, to have regular feedback on the quality of your work. However, being disturbed all the time, having someone on your back all the time, having the feeling of suffocating... is a real driver of demotivation.

#4ème a lever for demotivation: routine.

The 4th lever of demotivation is routine.That is to say, the feeling of always doing the same thing, of not having anything new in your job, of being in a job where in the end each day resembles the previous days. In most cases, it is a lever for demotivation.

Conclusion:So you've noticed that demotivation levers are not simply the opposite of motivational levers.

To be sure you know how to engage yourself and your employees in the right place.

Watch the motivational levers video again

Also check that the levers of demotivation are deactivated, that the offices are pleasant, that you are not on the backs of your employees, even if you have some type of control, that this control is considered positive and learning, that the routine is not there and finally that people feel paid in the right place and especially that it is fair compared to their colleagues.

At Talentis, we are very keen to develop among managers and leaders the ability to identify the drivers of motivation in each person that are very different from one person to another and to ensure, as a leader, to nourish these motivational drivers, from an individual point of view as well as from a collective point of view.

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