Dare to be ambitious: the 5 key steps
Rémi Zunino
Rémi Zunino

Dare to be ambitious: the 5 key steps

Even among the younger generation, there is still debate about daring to be ambitious. Some talents say to themselves: “What is the point in exploring this concept of ambition, I am not a careerist, I just want to have fun...”

As if ambition should always have a negative connotation. At Talentis, on the contrary, we want all talents to be able to be proud of being ambitious and claim it so that this strength pushes them to grow, to develop and to leave their comfort zone. Let's look at the different ways to properly structure, articulate and express your ambition.

Being ambitious: definition

Ambition can be equated with A lighthouse, a goal that we set ourselves. Whether it's a new job or a new skill to master, being ambitious means: looking to be someone new, or to do something new.Indeed, ambition concerns both the projects I want to carry out, and the skills I want to develop as a person.Some people prefer to use the term “aspiration” rather than that of “ambition” .The two are interesting to combine: What are the ambitions that drive me to achieve my deep aspirations located in my heart? Namely: my values, my beliefs, etc...It is like asking: how can I achieve my ambition while respecting myself (aspirations)?

Dare to be ambitious: the 5 key steps

Clarify your lighthouse:

No wind is favorable to those who do not know their port ”, Seneca.One could replace “port” by “lighthouse” with “lighthouse” in terms of ambition.Clarifying one's lighthouse is like asking: Who would I like to be or what would I like to have been in 1, 2 or 3 years? It is important to take the time to write it and to question the profound reasons that push us to make this wish (s) .This lighthouse will guide us throughout the year to choose the projects on which to invest: choose this training course, go and ask your team to teach us this (s) thing (s), etc...

“Cut the elephant into pieces”:

Sometimes the ambition is so broad That it may seem unrealistic. It is therefore important to define precisely the first step that will lead us to our ambition.For example:” Can I meet someone who works in a sector of activity that I would like to join and who could introduce me to it? ”,” What type of training could I participate in to start with? ”... The important thing is to Proceed in small steps. ” Chi va piano va sano ” as our Italian neighbours say!

Remain true to your values:

What are the essential values in my opinion, which should be absolutely protected, so that I can achieve what I have to achieve without betraying myself?Values are a bit like glasses, the prism through which you see the world. For example, it can be conviviality, generosity or requirement. These are the drivers that will push us on a daily basis to maintain a strong motivation in order to achieve the desired ambition.

Also to be read:

identify the drivers of motivation at work.

Ask for outside advice:

It is always interesting to check beforehand that its ambition is realistic, that it is not a far-fetched idea.Do not hesitate to Ask for feedback from peers, to his manager, to his team to find out if, given his own skills, this ambition is achievable. Sometimes the dream is too big, but sometimes it can also be too small. Care must be taken not to get lost in too much pretentiousness or, in other cases, too much humility.

Free yourself from your limiting constraints:

As professional coaches, we know that each person has a greater or lesser number of limiting beliefs. These beliefs very often hinder the development of our ambitions. They can be:” I am able to do that ”,” I am not able to do that ”,” I don't have the profile to do this job ”,” Headhunters are only looking for clones ”, etc... These beliefs, which are generally exaggerated and false, Prevent us from moving forward, or even give us very good reasons not to move forward.

Talents who progress in the company are able to look forward to 5 or 10 years not because they are arrogant, but because they are proactive in projecting their ambition and sharing it.

At Talentis we work very regularly with talents, managers and managers on their ability to articulate their professional project in a daring and realistic way.

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