Managing emotions: how to make them levers for professional development?
Rémi Zunino
Rémi Zunino

Managing emotions: how to make them levers for professional development?

Emotions are often experienced as cumbersome: they paralyze us, make us act in a “dislocated” way. However, it is not inevitable. Thanks to professional coaching, it is possible to learn to work on each emotion to make them real levers for professional development. Let's see how on video. As a reminder, “La Minute Coaching Professional” is a series of fifteen episodes aimed at broadcasting practical advice for managers, leaders and talents who want to be more efficient on a daily basis.

Today we are going to see how make your emotions levers for personal balance.

Identify associated needs and act accordingly to remain in a certain serenity and an ability to act;

Emotions are often experienced as cumbersome: they paralyze us, make us act in a “dislocated” way.

Emotion is a thermostat that tells us the things we need to hear in order to get the resources we need to stay in a state of balance and serenity.

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Emotion no. 1: anger

The source of anger is the real or imaginary feeling of having suffered damage. In most cases in business, it will be either a disrespect or an injustice.

>> To (re) see:

The origins of our emotions

3 actions recommended:

  • Taking stock of things and say to yourself, factually, “What happened? ”. Is it really disrespect or an injustice? In most cases, you can say to yourself: “In the end, there is no disrespect or injustice.”
  • If it turns out that injustice and disrespect are present, Ask yourself what you can say to the person, not to accuse them, but to explain to them what touched you, and ask him what his intention was. That is what is important when it comes to anger, to clarify the intention of the other person.
  • Last action, let the person know the damage you have suffered if it turns out that there really was disrespect or injustice.If not, just say, “Excuse me, I was wrong about your intention. Could you please be careful next time? ”.Expressing a clear request is essential.

Emotion no. 2: fear

Fear is “caused” by a real or imaginary sense of danger. In business, however, the word “fear”... is scary! Most often you will hear people say: “I am a bit stressed, a bit anxious...”. It is very rare to hear: “I am afraid! ” in business.

What to do when you are afraid yourself?First, start by asking yourself, “What am I afraid of? What is the risk? Is there really one? ”.

Most of the time, the real risk is well reduced, but if it is still significant, tell yourself: “What things have I done in past situations that were also difficult? ”You can also ask yourself if, in your circle, there would not be people with whom you could discuss this fear, this stress, this anxiety.

By doing that, through exchange, you will be able to increase your self-confidence and your ability to overcome stressful situations

Emotion no. 3: sadness

In business, it is rare to hear people say: “I am sad.” Instead, you will hear: “I am disappointed.” or “I am discouraged.”

The source of sadness is the real or imaginary feeling of having suffered a loss. The associated need is the need to part, but also to be listened to. If you have realized that your sadness is conditioned by the fact that things will not be the same as before (the loss), and that you feel the need to part with something, you can go and find people who can help you through this passage.

Most of us simply have to Learn to “savor” this sadness rather than setting it aside. By doing this, you will be in a better position to reflect on what this sad moment tells you about yourself, about your environment, and How does it allow you to grow.

Emotion no. 4: joy

Most often expressed in business as: pleasure, satisfaction, pride.Joy has its origin in the feeling of fullness, of perfection. The The need associated with joy is sharing.What is important is to take the time to sit down to enjoy this feeling of joy. Very often, he is a bit “sloppy” in business when We should take the time to collectively enjoy this joy. The objective: to gain self-esteem and strengthen solidarity between team members.

>> to (re) see:

The 5 characteristics of a successful team.

Employees and leaders would be right to be interested in their emotions by asking themselves:

  • What happened for that to trigger something in me?
  • What resources could I look for?
  • How could I set myself in motion by going to discuss these emotions intelligently with those around me?

Everyone is responsible for their emotions, at least for what they do with them. It is up to everyone to make clear requests, to express their needs. Talentis, through professional coaching, supports all talents in managing their emotions in order to make them no longer limiting factors, but levers for professional development.

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